TargetSmart deploys specialized political and issue advocacy tools to activate your audience on crucial public policy issues. Our team has decades of experience running effective Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV), issue advocacy, and public affairs campaigns. By coupling our sophisticated set of tools with leading engagement techniques, we effectively activate your audience to achieve your legislative and electoral goals.
TargetSmart deploys specialized political and issue advocacy tools to activate your audience on crucial public policy issues. Our team has decades of experience running effective Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV), issue advocacy, and public affairs campaigns. By coupling our sophisticated set of tools with leading engagement techniques, we effectively activate your audience to achieve your legislative and electoral goals.

Advocacy Software
We utilize grassroots advocacy platforms to launch call-to-action campaigns that allow users to take action on an issue, such as contacting an elected official, signing a petition, or mobilizing to attend a city council meeting. Through the platform, our team can develop an action center that can be easily embedded on the website of your choice. We can then launch email and text blasts through the platform in addition to corresponding omni-channel communications campaigns, all of which drive your audience to the action center on your website to take action.

Organizing Software
TargetSmart powers the industry’s most advanced political organizing software, which utilizes the best 50-state voter file in the country. Features include things such as audience management tools, email and text blasts, fundraising tools, and a turf-cutting tool to generate volunteer walk-lists for door-to-door canvassing. Our tools combine TargetSmart’s best-in-class voter file data, which is the most frequently updated and robust voter file available, with industry-leading organizing software. The result is the most powerful set of political organizing tools in existence for progressive organizations.

Engagement Tools & Techniques
In addition to specialized software, our team also brings a full suite of engagement tools and techniques to the table that help to run organized and effective public affairs campaigns. These tools and techniques include virtual town halls that help engage key stakeholders; key contacts program to help you activate your most important audience members; campaign knowledge hubs that allow you to run coordinated campaigns, and much more.