TargetSmart is proud to have built a first-of-its kind dashboard that gives you the most up-to-date voter registration data at your fingertips.

This dashboard includes voter registration data from the 2020, 2022, and 2024 election cycles, allowing you to compare what we are currently seeing with past election cycles. It is updated twice a week and includes a wealth of demographic data including age, gender, race, and partisanship, as well as whether voters live in urban, suburban, or rural areas.

States not included on the National Map tab lack registration dates from state election officials.

About This Data

This data comes from TargetSmart analysis of data that has been released by individual state election officials. Our numbers may vary from the numbers the Secretary of State makes public, for a number of reasons. Most importantly, the secretary of state has access to some self-reported data that is not available to TargetSmart and is therefore modeled or acquired from other sources. The exact availability of this data varies by state, but this can apply to the race, age, or gender fields. Additionally, there can be some variation in these counts depending on when our data was updated following the election. We make every attempt to control for this variation and establish a good snapshot within the dashboard, but there is still some variation.

Race: Where self-reported race is not available, a TargetSmart model is used. 2020 and 2022 voter records have been classified using the same TargetSmart race model. The “Uncoded” category indicates that the TargetSmart race model is not confident enough to make a prediction.

Gender: Where self-reported gender is not available, a TargetSmart model is used.

Party Registration: Party registration is not available in every state. In states where it is not available, all voters will be labeled as ‘Unaffiliated’.

Party Score Rollup: Where self-reported party is not available, a TargetSmart model is used.

Urbanicity: A TargetSmart-specific measure that describes how densely developed an area is based on population, employees, businesses, traffic counts and other factors. The urbanicity measure is broken down into 6 classifications: Rural 1, Rural 2, Suburban 3, Suburban 4, Urban 5, and Urban 6. For this dashboard, they’ve been summarized further to Rural, Suburban, and Urban.


  1. What is a new registrant? A new registrant is classified as anyone who is has a voterfile registration date that occurred after the 46th week (election day) the year before. New registrants could be folks registering for the first time, or updating their registration after an out of state move.
  2. Some states do not track voter registration by gender or party, so how does TargetSmart have data for these states? – At TargetSmart, we append a wide range of data to the publicly available voter files acquired from state election departments, including demographic and consumer data. We also use statistical models to fill in gaps in information – because gender or party is not reported in certain states, we utilize third party data and models.
  3. Why does your data differ from the state and local election officials data? – The secretary of state has access to some self-reported data that is not available to TargetSmart and is therefore modeled or acquired from other sources. The exact availability of this data varies by state, but this can apply to the race, age, or gender fields. Additionally, there can be some variation in these counts depending on when our data was updated following the election.
  4. Why isn’t all of the data up to date and why does the date it was updated in each state vary? – TargetSmart compiles data from state and local election administrators and then pairs it with other public or commercially available data. Each state and locality update voter files differently, causing the inconsistency in each state’s last date of update.