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TargetSmart Releases New Polling on Arizona, Georgia, and National Voting-Rights Legislation

March 30, 2021|

TargetSmart Releases New Polling on Arizona, Georgia, and National Voting-Rights Legislation Poll Commissioned by Stacey Abrams-Founded Fair Fight Action Shows Public Opposition to Republican-Backed State Legislation and Broad Support for Increased Voting Access Washington, DC – Today, Tuesday, March 30th TargetSmart released findings from a major polling project commissioned by Fair Fight Action. The new polling covers a raft of restrictive voting measures [...]

TargetSmart to Hold 2020 Debrief with Biden Analytics; Leading Pollsters & Party Strategists

December 2, 2020|

WASHINGTON, DC — On Thursday December 3rd at 2:00 PM ET, progressive data firm TargetSmart will host a virtual election debrief. Panel conversations will explore the innovative application of political data by the Biden Campaign and DNC; what leading pollsters learned from their industry’s challenges this cycle and an analysis of what we know so far about the 2020 electorate.  [...]

TargetSmart Launches Dashboard for Early Vote & Vote By Mail Data

October 8, 2020|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 8, 2020 Contact: Press@TargetSmart.com   TargetSmart Launches Dashboard for Early Vote & Vote By Mail Data Users can track partisan affiliation & demographic data of early voters in battleground states   Washington, D.C. – Today, TargetSmart, the nation’s leading Democratic political analytics firm, launched “TargetEarly,” a dashboard of national and state-by-state early vote data that tracks [...]

COVID’s Impact on Voter Registration: Raw Numbers & Registration Gap Analysis

June 26, 2020|

The pandemic will have had a profound impact on this year’s election. TargetSmart is committed to studying how the pandemic has impacted voters’ views on voting and we are keeping a close eye on how it is affecting the electorate more broadly. Earlier this year, we saw a significant voter registration surge compared to the same time in the 2016 cycle. As the pandemic [...]

COVID-19 and Elections in Georgia: Findings from the TargetSmart + Dynata National Voter Insights Study Georgia Oversample

June 11, 2020|

As part of a national study of public opinion on the public health and economic dimensions of the coronavirus crisis and its impact on voting and elections, TargetSmart and Dynata conducted a Georgia-specific oversample to measure voter sentiment as the state reopens its economy. Toplines, crosstabs, and a full statement on the poll’s methodology can be found by visiting insights.targetsmart.com. Georgia Voters Overwhelmingly Support [...]

COVID-19 and Elections Wave 2 — Findings from the TargetSmart + Dynata National Voter Insights Study

June 1, 2020|

Though concern about the coronavirus seems to both be abating slightly and becoming more polarized by partisanship in recent weeks, American voters are souring on President Trump’s handling of the crisis and coalescing around the idea that we will not be getting back to normal life any time soon. At the same time, despite Trump’s attempts to inject partisanship [...]

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