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Stay informed

Insights is a first-of-its-kind data analysis tool that gives reporters, political practitioners, and the public unfettered access to topline voter data that were previously only available to TargetSmart clients.


Stay informed

Insights is a first-of-its-kind data analysis tool that gives reporters, political practitioners, and the public unfettered access to topline voter data that were previously only available to TargetSmart clients.


Insights: New Election Dashboard and Data on the 5.9 million Votes Cast

October 9, 2020|

Welcome to Insights - TargetSmart's tipsheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends. Yesterday we launched TargetEarly, our comprehensive early vote dashboard that gives you the ability to analyze the early vote. The tool is updated daily and includes a wealth of demographic data including age, gender, race, and education level, as well [...]

How to Interpret TargetEarly’s Granular Early Vote Data

October 8, 2020|

By Tom Bonier I’m excited to announce the public release of the 2020 iteration of our TargetEarly site. TargetEarly will provide a real-time look at the American electorate as voters cast what will certainly be a record number of votes before Election Day. We believe this site will provide important context to an election rife with uncertainty and volatility. While [...]

Insights: New and infrequent voter counts + early vote stats

October 6, 2020|

Welcome to Insights - TargetSmart’s tip-sheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends. To date, we have spent a lot of time looking at who was registering to vote. While registration continues to be an important metric, moving forward we will focus on analyzing who has already voted this cycle. Here are [...]

Insights: Latest Vote Count + Early Signs of an RBG Surge

September 30, 2020|

Welcome to Insights - TargetSmart's tip-sheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends. Here are today's key takeaways: As of Tuesday afternoon, TargetSmart has tracked 1,088,897 votes cast already in the 2020 general election. 7% of these voters are participating in their first general election. Based on modeled partisanship, Democrats have an [...]

September 23, 2020 – ME Dems Hold Commanding Lead Over GOP in New Voter Registrations

September 23, 2020|

Welcome to Insights - TargetSmart’s tip-sheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends. Here are today’s key takeaways: As Sara Gideon mounts a strong campaign against Senator Susan Collins, new Democratic voter registrations are outpacing Republicans by a wide margin. By the end of August, Democrats lead the GOP in new voter [...]

September 18, 2020 – Dems Outpace GOP in VBM Requests

September 18, 2020|

Welcome to Insights – TargetSmart’s tipsheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends. Here are today’s key takeaways: More than 16 million Americans have requested a mail ballot for the 2020 general election (this doesn’t include the all-mail states which pushes the total to over 65M). Among these requests, Democrats have a [...]

Dems Outpace GOP in VBM Requests

September 17, 2020|

From: Insights@targetsmart.com  Re: Insights: Dems Outpace GOP in VBM Requests -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TargetSmart Insights Thursday, September 18th  Welcome to Insights - TargetSmart’s tipsheet to provide regular updates on the latest voter registration, early vote, and voter turnout trends.  Here are today’s key takeaways: More than 16 million Americans have requested a mail ballot for the 2020 general election (this doesn't include [...]

September 15, 2020 – Democrats’ Voter Registration Advantage Increases in Midwestern States Home to Protests

September 15, 2020|

By Tom Bonier It’s an understatement to write that America is living through challenging times. We are experiencing a public health crisis, an economic crisis, widespread protests over racial injustice, and the impacts of climate change as wildfires spread on the West Coast. As a result, the composition of the electorate may be more fluid than any presidential election in [...]

September 14, 2020 – Vote by Mail Numbers

September 14, 2020|

On September 18th, states will begin to allow voters to cast their ballots in-person, and more states will open early voting in the coming weeks. However, millions of voters across the country aren’t waiting for in-person voting to begin and have instead requested vote by mail ballots and it’s clear: Democrats are building a massive advantage in early voting by mail. Here [...]

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