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COVID-19 and Elections in Georgia: Findings from the TargetSmart + Dynata National Voter Insights Study Georgia Oversample
As part of a national study of public opinion on the public health and economic dimensions of the coronavirus crisis and its impact on voting and elections, TargetSmart and Dynata conducted a Georgia-specific oversample to measure voter sentiment as the state reopens its economy. Toplines, crosstabs, and a full statement on the poll’s methodology can be found by visiting Georgia Voters Overwhelmingly Support [...]
COVID-19 and Elections Wave 2 — Findings from the TargetSmart + Dynata National Voter Insights Study
Though concern about the coronavirus seems to both be abating slightly and becoming more polarized by partisanship in recent weeks, American voters are souring on President Trump’s handling of the crisis and coalescing around the idea that we will not be getting back to normal life any time soon. At the same time, despite Trump’s attempts to inject partisanship [...]
Most voters plan to cast early ballots in presidential race
A new survey by TargetSmart + Dynata found more Democrats and independents would take care of business before Election Day than Republicans. By John Lapinski and Stephanie Perry Six-in-10 registered voters plan to vote early in the November general election, either by mail or at in-person early voting centers, according to a new TargetSmart + Dynata National Voter Insights Poll. Forty-one percent plan to vote by [...]
An Early Look at the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Voter Registration
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every facet of American life. As we’ve all seen in recent weeks, the crisis is also having a profound effect on how elections are administered, and campaigns are run. While it will be some time until we have a full picture of how the crisis has shaped the electorate, an initial picture is emerging. [...]
COVID-19 and Elections — Findings from a National Poll of American Voters
Most American voters are concerned that the ongoing coronavirus outbreak will prevent U.S. citizens from participating in the 2020 elections. As a result, huge majorities are supportive of a broad array of reforms to ensure it is safe to vote come November. These findings are drawn from a nationwide study of registered voters in the United States to see [...]
Delay the November election? What voters think about coronavirus and the campaign.
Are you concerned about getting infected at a polling place? Answers to that and much more. By Josh Clinton, John Lapinski and Stephanie Perry Sixty-eight percent of registered voters think the coronavirus outbreak will have a big impact on election turnout in the U.S., a new poll shows — and nearly 4 in 10 support delaying the November presidential election until [...]